the environmentally friendly CO₂storing material number 1
Tour of our company ↓
Sawmill Kess
in Untererthal
Sawmill Kess
Reliability and quality since 1706
Welcome to Untererthal in Lower Franconia
Sawmill Kess
excellent sources of raw materials, careful sorting, professional storage
the environmentally friendly CO₂storing material number 1
Tour of our company ↓
Sawmill Kess
in Untererthal
Sawmill Kess
Reliability and quality since 1706
Welcome to Untererthal in Lower Franconia
Sawmill Kess
excellent sources of raw materials, careful sorting, professional storage
the environmentally friendly CO₂storing material number 1
Tour of our company ↓
Sawmill Kess
in Untererthal
Sawmill Kess
Reliability and quality since 1706
Welcome to Untererthal in Lower Franconia
Sawmill Kess
excellent sources of raw materials, careful sorting, professional storage


Welcome to Untererthal in Lower Franconia. Take a tour of our company. We wish you a lot of fun and hope to welcome you as a future customer. 

As a northern Bavarian hardwood sawmill with associated further processing and technical wood drying/steaming, we have decades of experience in sawing beech and oak wood, as well as in the precise production of raw, planed and profiled scantlings and friezes.

Thanks to state-of-the-art production facilities, we are able to work specifically according to your individual requirements.

Good sources of raw materials (Rhön and Spessart), careful storage, extensive sorting, precise processing and on-time delivery make us a powerful and competitive family business.

Get in touch with us and convince yourself of our extensive delivery and manufacturing program.
For more information: move the mouse over the image
For more information: click on the buildings

News from the KESS Sawmill GmbH

Investment 2023

Commissioning of the new wood-fired steam boiler system in 2023 with a nominal output of 4.200kW...

New investment 2021

Further expansion of the vehicle fleet. With the help of the SENNEBOGEN material handler, our...

New investment 2021

With our automatic profile grinding machine GS 1 we sharpen our gang saws...

New investments 2021

Expansion of the vehicle fleet. Excellent warehousing is only possible with good...